"In a world full of synthetic and quick beauty solutions, I appreciate the humble little jar of tallow nestled in my drawer. After many years of buying products for my skin that contained ingredients a mile long with names I could hardly pronounce, I decided to limit what I was putting on my skin. Tallow has been the solution for all of my skincare needs. Tallow is rooted in history with our ancestors mindset of utilizing the whole animal. The fat rendered was used to nourish, restore, and protect the skin. Going back to this traditional mindset of using minimal and natural ingredients is very beneficial for the skin. Rendered Revival’s products are gentle and rejuvenating, it is something I apply to my face morning and night. I enjoy the subtle essential oils that smell beautiful. This is the first winter I can ever remember where my hands actually feel hydrated and conditioned. My skin feels authentic and truly healthy. I am grateful to Morgan for creating this timeless product. Her dedication ensures that heritage ways are not lost." -Ashley

We love hearing from you

"Rendered Revival” ~ there’s something about applying this smooth, beautiful cream, knowing that it is naturally sourced and thoughtfully prepared, that makes me feel like I’m doing something to take care of me!
This wonderful product is gentle, healing and luxurious! I can’t recommend it more highly.
Love the whipped lavender!
~ Claire

"Rendered revival tallow has been life changing! I have always struggled with dry skin (face/hands/lips) in the winter and since starting this tallow my skin is so healthy and moisturized! And it does not leave a greasy mess! I love every product I’ve tried! "

"Recently, I was introduced to rendered beef tallow for skin care, and must say it's been a game changer for my skin and cuticles.  Initially, I was skeptical about using an animal-derived product on my face.  Even at my age, I experience breakouts.  Especially with products that are not oil free.  But after discussing the benefits with Morgan, I decided to give it a try. One of the standout benefits is the effectiveness in combating dry skin.  The beef tallow has significantly reduced the flakiness and irritation I used to experience, leaving my skin feeling hydrated and supple, without clogging my pores. I've also noticed a visible improvement in the overall texture and tone of my skin since using it.  I'm not a skincare expert, just my personal opinion.  It's a natural, nourishing solution and my skin thanks me!"