Hi there, I’m Morgan, the one behind Rendered Revival. Im a homeshcooling mama of 3, who understands the importance of taking care of ourselves and our loved ones.

My journey through being more mindful about toxic ingredients began when my first child was born. I quickly became aware of just how tricky it is to avoid those not-so-great ingredients. And sure, a little here and there may not be noticeable, but reality is, it adds up- because they’re everywhere. It can feel a bit like trying to dodge rain drops in a storm.

We can’t avoid them all, but when given the opportunity it’s nice to have options-wouldn’t you agree?

My family was dealing with persistent skin issues when I learned of tallow. I knew we had a cow headed to butcher soon and thought, lets give it a try! I did some research while I waited and eventually made my first batch of cream. Within just a few uses, we were noticing significant improvement. So it's safe AND it works?? You can imagine my excitement!

I believe that nature has the power nourish our skin.  That's why I carefully handcraft each of our products using purposeful ingredients without the need for harsh chemicals or artificial additives.

Our bodies, our skin, they deserve better. We're all on this mission to find a balance in today’s world. My hope is that you feel as confident in your choice using our tallow on your skin as I do using it on myself and my loved ones.

-Thank you so much for being here!
